We hope that you join us to make 2024–2025 a fabulous and fun school year!
Everything you need to know about SLES Parent Teacher Association (PTA), volunteering and events is posted here. Make sure to subscribe below to our bi-weekly newsletter.
Through your membership fee and donations of money and time, we provide key programs like:
Teacher Appreciation Events and Wonderful Wednesday ( lunches for Seldens staff)
Fun community events like a back-to-school picnic, Bingo and Seldens Got Talent.
Upcoming Events
Seldens Landing's ASAP Program is BACK!
Registration opens Tuesday, September 10 @ 8pm and closes Friday, September 20 @ 9pm.
Go to the ASAP Page to learn about all of the classes being offered this session! Classes start the week of 10.8.2024.
Is your 4th or 5th grader interested in learning more about, and possibly signing up for, Math Olympiads? If so, go to the Math Olympiads page to learn more! Sign-up for Math Olympiads will be done using the ASAP Registration Form. Classes start 10.23.2024 and will be held Wednesdays through 3.19.2025.
Membership for the 2024-25 school year is now open!
Click on the button below to begin your registration
Urgent Need for 2024-2025 School Year!
Seldens Landing PTA works throughout the year to serve our mission of supporting staff, enriching students' lives and recruiting volunteers for the community. SLES PTA is seeking volunteers to serve on the PTA board and leads for the 2024-25 school year. Getting involved with the PTA is a great way to serve our teachers and staff, stay involved in school happenings, and to meet other parents and families.
Open Committee Lead positions for next year include:
Wonderful Wednesday Program Lead
Newsletter and Social Media Manager
Spirit Wear Lead
Square 1 Art Lead
Back to School Picnic Lead
Spooky Bingo Lead
You can find more details about these positions here, or click on the button below. We ask that you email admin@slespta.org for more information or your interest. If you have any questions or ideas for our upcoming school year, reach out to president@slespta.org
Looking to find out some of our staff's favorites to bring them a little holiday cheer? Click on the button below "Staff Favorites" and select the teacher/staff's name to see a list of their favorite things!
CONGRATULATIONS to our SLES PTA Board for 2024-2025!
The new slate was voted in at the May 12th PTA Meeting.
NEW SLES PTA Board for 2024 - 2025 is:
President: Courtney Bintz
Secretary: Ali MacIntyre
VP of Membership: Ellen Pinson
VP of Events: Gayle Terrio
Treasurer: Julie Tosh
VP of Fundraising: Andrea Vaccarelli
VP of ASAP: Jaime Stiles
Interested In
Joining the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Board? Click on the button below to learn more about each open position. We would love to have you join us!
Joining the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Board? Click on the button below to learn more about each open position. We would love to have you join us!
Going Shopping?
Here are 3 ways you can support the SLES PTA:
Box Tops for Education
Box Tops have gone digital! Don't miss out on earnings for Seldens Landing - make sure you've got the new mobile app on your phone, and scan your receipts within 14 days for instant credit. Each Box Top is worth 10 cents for our school. Use the “Give Credit” feature to tag earnings for your student's grade for a friendly grade competition! Currently, the 5th graders are in the lead with 239 Box Tops, and the 3rd graders are in second place with 132 Box Tops! To date, we have earned a total of $92.50. Our goal is to earn $500 this year! Click here to download the Box Tops app and use referral code XWIY91QS for 25 Bonus Box Tops! If you have any questions, please email Fundraising@slespta.org.
Link your Harris Teeter VIC Card
For the entirety of the 2024-2025 school year, schools will earn $10 for every HT Plus membership or trial membership sign-up or existing membership. To qualify, customers will need to link their VIC card as well as sign up for a free 30-day trial membership or a paid membership of HT Plus or have an existing account. Once those steps are complete, the system will allocate $10 to their TIE school of choice. If customers are linked to multiple schools, the $10 will be divided equally between the schools. Schools will not earn funds on any in-store purchases for the 2024-2025 school year. Schools will receive one check at the end of the year.
As in previous years, parents, friends, and family members must re-link each year in August to ensure their continued support for their child's school. Customers can link their VIC card on the Harris Teeter website or app using Seldens Landing’s 4-digit code (5849), or you can simply fill out this online PTA form and we’ll link your account for you! The more parents and friends who link their VIC card and sign up for a free 30-day trial membership, or a paid membership, or have an existing HT Plus account, the more money the school will earn. If you have any questions, please email Fundraising@slespta.org.
Become a Corporate Sponsor!
Email us at Fundraising@slespta.org and check out our Sponsors page for more information.