Wonderful Wednesdays

Wonderful Wednesday is an opportunity to thank Seldens Landing teachers and staff for their hard work and dedication to their students.  A lunch buffet is offered several times throughout the year, with a combination of items provided by members of the school community and catering by local restaurants.  

Please contact us at WonderfulWeds@slespta.org with any questions 

 Our first event for the 2024-2025 school year is Wednesday, November 20th, and the theme is Thanksgiving Feast! Turkey will be catered by the Wine'ing Butcher. 

Thank you for your generosity in showing our teachers and staff how much we appreciate their hard work, and Happy Thanksgiving!

Please contact WonderfulWeds@slespta.org with questions.

2023-2024 Wonderful Wednesdays:

April 3, 2024: Pizza Party
February 28, 2024: Baked Potato Bar

January 17, 2024: Game Day Sandwiches: 

November 15, 2023: Thanksgiving Feast;

 October 11, 2023: Taco Salad Bar;